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the master chef at work frying a huge pot of food for tonight's party |
while the men were at the riverbed killing and dissecting chickens and cow, the womenfolk were in the home preparing dinner for tonight's party! yummy =P
ok, actually its womenfolk plus 1 man who can cook very well... |
dun think its easy to stir this huge pan of food |
around 5-6pm, the guests started to stream in. most of the women wore their traditional costumes but almost none of the men wore their traditional clothes. i found this the same almost everywhere i went, most of the men dun really wear it often whereas the women wear it almost everyday. hmmmm...
anyway, 靖南's dad set up a table along the road jus before entering the home and guests who entered registered with him. they also have a similar practice as singaporeans where they give hongbaos except that they jus give the money directly and dun wrap it inside any red packets. there seem to be an unsaid "glass floor" and everybody paid at least 50 yuan, which also happens to be the mode (most ppl gave this amount) highest i seen is 100yuan and from the short amount of time i stayed there, it seems everybody gave either 50 or 100 haha. not much differentiation there...
anyway, 靖南's dad recorded all the names of guests and the amount of money they contributed. talked to them and from what i gather, they treat this as kinda an investment/savings account. so if i contribute 100yuan to them for their "housewarming", the next time i marry and have a wedding dinner, they will contribute 100yuan or mayb slightly more adjusted for inflation. at least thats what they told me they felt about this practice... not sure if other villagers feel the same way?
here comes the guests! the red book is the record of the guests and their hongbao amounts |
cute gals in traditional costumes |
the 1st floor... |
even though today is the housewarming, there are still alot of things that are unfinished and still needed work eg the 2nd floor is still not completed and has not been partitioned into rooms yet so it is jus one big empty space above.
the "banquet" spilled over into the house on the right because there wasnt enough space to accomodate everybody. they invited about 400ppl but not sure what the actual turnout is... |
there are about 8 dishes so there are 8 men who walk around the tables carrying pails of the food and they will scoop out the food and put it on bowls on the tables. all the men are villagers so no need to hire waiters!
the pail of food! |
most of this food comes from the cow in the morning =D minced beef, intestines, beef, anything to do with cow haha |
shit, i look damn greedy but its really delicious so who cares =P |
the finished roof. this is what the typical 傣族 home looks like |
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